30 September  2020
With Charles Thomson, Senior Fund Manager

Senior Fund Manager Charles Thomson will present Fundamentals of Finance: Fixed Income Mathematics. This session will be useful as an introduction for newer staff, as a refresher for more experienced employees, and as a vehicle for exploring how traditional assumptions may need to be reevaluated in an environment where negative interest rates are prevalent. This webinar will serve as a foundation for the more advanced topics we plan to cover in coming weeks and months, and will feature interactive examples and Q&A.

In this webinar CAIM market experts  discussed:

  • Time value of money
  • Present value of cashflows
  • Price versus yield calculations
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Yield curves

We will explore the implications of negative interest rates on these fundamental principles of finance and how they present themselves in the world of fixed income.  To highlight just two examples: how do we reconcile zero coupon bonds being issued at a premium and modified duration being greater than the final maturity of a bond?

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